Midwest Dispute Resolution

Midwest Dispute Resolution (MDR) is the pioneer in the field of online arbitration services. MDR’s Summary Arbitration is the preeminent product in the industry. Summary Arbitration is a web-based platform that individuals and businesses may elect to implement instead of pursing expensive courtroom litigation or traditional in-person arbitration services. The judgments rendered by MDR Arbitrators are legally binding across the country.

MDR’s Summary Arbitration stands out for its numerous features geared toward cutting the costs of traditional dispute resolution. Summary Arbitration promises a judgment in 45 days, thanks to specially trained and selected arbitrators and its streamline claim submission process. Traditional litigation and dispute resolution options may take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. MDR exists to provide an easy, quick, inexpensive resolution to disputes that exist somewhere between small claims, typical arbitration, and all-out litigation. To provide this service, MDR engages Arbitrators who have waded through these situations and are able to resolve real-world disputes.

Email the administrator to start your claim or for any other questions about the process:

Summary Arbitration Rules

Formal Claim Form

Formal Response Form

Notice of Claim Form


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©2021 Midwest Dispute Resolution